Genre: Animation,
Already one of the most beloved storybook characters of all time, Puss in Boots continues the valiant cat’s escapades in this animated sequel to Charles Perrault’s famous fairytale. When our story begins Puss is being held captive in the dungeon of the devious Queen Maries, unbeknown to Puss’ loyal master and the Queen’s husband, King John. With the help of a trifecta of rodents, the “three blind mice,” the clever cat cooks up a daring plan to escape and save King John from the unrelated but equally nefarious plans of both the Queen and an evil sorcerer, Dracul, and his wry talking skull sidekick, the Professor.
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Already one of the most beloved storybook characters of all time, Puss in Boots continues the valiant cat’s escapades in this animated sequel to Charles Perrault’s famous fairytale. When our story begins Puss is being held captive in the dungeon of the devious Queen Maries, unbeknown to Puss’ loyal master and the Queen’s husband, King John. With the help of a trifecta of rodents, the “three blind mice,” the clever cat cooks up a daring plan to escape and save King John from the unrelated but equally nefarious plans of both the Queen and an evil sorcerer, Dracul, and his wry talking skull sidekick, the Professor.
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