Genre: Horror | Thriller,
While on a class observation trip at a local mental hospital, young psychology major Abby Jones (Christine Evangelista), has a chilling encounter with high-risk patient, Harmon (Dominic Purcell). She returns home for an evening of normal study with her two roommates unaware of the darkness shes awakened within him. Later that evening a storm moves in, while Harmon escapes leaving a trail of death, as he makes his toward an unsuspecting Abby.
Meanwhile, Abby and her roommate Lynn (Carly Chaikin) receive a visit from Carter Thomas (Scott Elrod), the neighbor cop across the street, warning them about a local peeper lurking in the area. He reassures them that he is close by and as long as they keep their curtains closed and doors locked they are safe. Little do they know, not even Carter can protect them from the rage unleashed by Harmons newfound obsession, Abby.
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